Lacey United Methodist Church

203 W. Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ 08731 609-693-5222
LUMC has many wonderful events coming up that YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND!

Monthly Pastor's Breakfast
9:30 AM
Please join Pastor Jonathan for Breakfast at IHOP, Forked River. at 9:30 AM. Everyone is welcome to be part of the Food, Fellowship, and Fun!

Movie Screening
FEBRUARY 11, 13, 18, 28
6:30 PM
The sermon series for February 9 through March 2 is "Finding God in the Dark". Each Sunday, we will be discussing a movie that is nominated for an Academy Award. We will be screening the movies in the Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.
Screening schedule:
Feb. 11: "Sing Sing"
Feb. 13: "Sugarcane"
Feb. 18: "Flow"
Feb. 28: "A Complete Unknown" (Location and Details to follow...)

White Elephant Gift Exchange
Immediately following worship!
All you need to bring is a wrapped gift to exchange (valued up to $10), a smile, and a sense of humor! Everyone is welcome! Re-gifting is strongly encouraged. :)