Lacey United Methodist Church

203 W. Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ 08731 609-693-5222

Rev. Jonathan Campbell
I am very excited to be called to journey alongside you in ministry and to see where the Holy Spirit will lead us. I also want to express my deep gratitude for the amazing work the Holy Spirit has done through Pastor Linda. God has grown an amazing ministry through Linda’s leadership and your hard work and passion.
I have been a full-elder in GNJAC since 2013. I have served many churches during my time in the Conference. I also worked as Operations Director at CUMAC-ECHO, a large feeding and ministry center in Patterson, New Jersey. I am also privileged to serve the GNJAC as the Peace with Justice Coordinator and the UMC denomination as the co-chair of the United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities. Most importantly, I am blessed to be the father of three amazing young men: Jeremiah, Nathan and Christopher.
I believe we, as followers of Jesus, are called to reclaim the model of ministry found in Acts 2: devoting ourselves to God, prayer, Scripture, Holy Communion, each other, and to serving those in need. We together must find ways to fully devote ourselves to these Grace-filled pillars of the Acts community. We must also find ways to help others outside Lacey UMC to experience these essential means of Grace. Acts 2 teaches us the Holy Spirit used these pillars of the faith to bring an extremely diverse group of individuals together to form a devoted community that changed the world. I believe the Holy Spirit can and will do this again in our community of faith.